Have you ever wondered how network traffic runs across your infrastructure but no valid documentation or extensive monitoring exists about it, so when an outage occurs it's hard to identify the root cause?

Have you ever wondered how many Single Points Of Failure exist in your network, where they are and how to get rid of them?

Have you ever experienced a total collapse of your network?

Have you ever entered a datacentre, opened a random cabinet and the first thought you had was:

"OMG what's going on here?"

...after you see an incomprehensible mass of cables running all over the place, connecting all kinds of devices, which have hundreds of ports connected to somewhere, with countless LEDs blinking everywhere... and not a single label?

Normally, when Stagon engineers ask those questions in front of such situations, the typical answer from the CTO is: "We have not much of an idea of what's going on here, the previous team left the company (low budget, new acquisition, re-org... you name it) and we had an horrible handover, so... we would like to know as well".

Indeed, Stagon Systems can help you with emergencies and network disasters. We can help you to analyze, audit and improve your current infrastructure, design a new one, document it clearly, make sure it gets installed, monitored and maintained properly by your network team or, should that be a requirement, we can also install it and maintain it for you. We also have about 5 million different network infrastructure items from the best manufacturers in our specialized database, which can help speeding up the logistic process for affordable hardware acquisition and its installation, directly tailored for your project.


Stagon Systems can directly follow up with your needs at all levels, from network design to hardware acquisition, installation and maintenance. Check our web Shop for an overview of our preferred products and manufacturers.

Sometimes your network team has already found out how to proceed further and you just need hardware for implementing their design.

Should you already have a design in mind, or specific hardware requirements, feel free to get in contact with us for a quote, even if the product you are looking for is not currently published on our web shop, as long as the manufacturer is listed. We will be glad assisting you in finding the most reliable and affordable solution for your project.

NOTE: Images are just examples and do not depict our customers infrastructure.